Monday, July 11, 2016

Shark in Granada

Well, we had our baptism last Saturday and all went well. He was super excited to finally be getting baptized, and now most of the family are members, but there is still one cousin struggling with some commandments and we are continuing to work with him. My companion will be heading home on Wednesday along with two other missionaries in our district, but even still the district is having a lot of success and there are more baptisms scheduled for next Saturday. Although no baptisms scheduled from my area. Once the my new companion arrives, we will be working hard to find some new investigators.

Although the shark meat looks like fried chicken, it actually
tastes like fishy, ground beef. Tasty!
Elder Nave is super stoked to go home and he reminds me all the time, ha ha. I hope I get a really cool companion for my last companion. Most likely I will be training a new district leader to take my place, and since I am leaving 1 week earlier than the next cambios, my new companion probably won't be a new missionary.

This past week wasn't very productive because I got sick with a weird, stomach bug that I have had several times before, but this time it seemed much worse and I was laid up for almost 3 whole days. By the time I recovered, we had to go to Managua for my eye check-up, and the eyes are doing a ton better. I think this new clinic had better doctors and they gave me different medicines that seemed to work better. Still, the doctors have been telling me that the combination of sun and dust keep inflaming my eyes, and once I return home it shouldn't be a problem. As of right now, though, my eyes feel much better than they have in a while.

We made some awesome sandwiches this week for super cheap.
Last Tuesday, the new mission president and his family came to Granada for a multi-zone conference with the Masaya Zone. It was certainly different seeing a family of six up on the stand, and President and Hermana Brown seem very nice and much more relaxed. In his talk, President Brown said we need to stop baptizing just to baptize and he wants to place a focus on retaining families, improving Sacrament Meeting attendance, and getting a temple in Nicaragua. He was pretty blunt and said he wants the mission to improve its spirituality as a whole. One thing that is really different is that President Brown said he would be dedicating his weekends to caring for his family, so it is a much different atmosphere already.

One adventure from this past week is that we got to eat shark meat (after I recovered from the stomach bug). Add that to the list of pigeon, turtle, horse, iguana, and chicken heads!!! In the picture you can see that it kind of looks like fried chicken, but it tastes like kind of fishy, ground beef. It wasn't too bad. So I can check off another cool food on my list. We also made some awesome sandwiches for super cheap (only about $2.50 US dollars). That's about it for this week, just cambios coming next week should be interesting.

Don't be jealous of our awesome sandwiches.

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